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"cities": {
"__readonly__": "This profile is read only and cannot be modified! If you want to make a new profile based on this then you can make a copy to a new name",
"cityLevel3Height": 68,
"cityMinRadius": 50,
"cityAvoidVoid": true,
"cityLevel1Height": 52,
"cityMaxRadius": 128,
"cityStyleThreshold": -1.0,
"cityChance": 0.01,
"cityThreshold": 0.2,
"cityLevel0Height": 44,
"cityStyleAlternative": "",
"cityPerlinInnerScale": 0.1,
"cityPerlinOffset": 0.1,
"cityLevel2Height": 60,
"oceanCorrectionBorder": 4,
"cityPerlinScale": 3.0
"client": {
"__readonly__": "This profile is read only and cannot be modified! If you want to make a new profile based on this then you can make a copy to a new name",
"horizon": 128.0,
"fogDensity": 0.02,
"fogBlue": 0.0,
"fogRed": 0.0,
"fogGreen": 0.0
"explosions": {
"__readonly__": "This profile is read only and cannot be modified! If you want to make a new profile based on this then you can make a copy to a new name",
"explosionMaxRadius": 35,
"explosionMinRadius": 15,
"explosionMinHeight": 75,
"miniExplosionChance": 0.0,
"miniExplosionMaxHeight": 100,
"miniExplosionMaxRadius": 12,
"debrisToNearbyChunkFactor": 200,
"explosionChance": 0.0,
"explosionMaxHeight": 90,
"miniExplosionMinRadius": 5,
"explosionsInCitiesOnly": true,
"miniExplosionMinHeight": 60
"lostcity": {
"__readonly__": "This profile is read only and cannot be modified! If you want to make a new profile based on this then you can make a copy to a new name",
"highwaySupports": true,
"ruinChance": 0.05,
"groundLevel": 40,
"railwayStationsEnabled": true,
"buildingChance": 0.3,
"railwaysCanEnd": false,
"buildingMaxFloorsChance": 6,
"bedrockLayer": 1,
"liquidBlock": "minecraft:water",
"rubbleLayer": true,
"buildingMinFloors": 0,
"seaLevel": 32,
"rubbleDirtScale": 3.0,
"fountainChance": 0.05,
"dataCenterChance": 0.1,
"highwaySecondaryPerlinScale": 10.0,
"spawnNotInBuilding": false,
"bridgeSupports": true,
"worldStyle": "standard",
"buildingMaxFloors": 8,
"avoidFoliage": false,
"buildingMinCellars": 0,
"buildingFrontChance": 0.2,
"baseBlock": "minecraft:stone",
"ruinMaxlevelPercent": 1.0,
"spawnBiome": "",
"avoidWater": false,
"building2x2Chance": 0.03,
"railwaysEnabled": false,
"highwayRequiresTwoCities": true,
"editMode": false,
"spawnCity": "",
"randomLeafBlockChance": 0.1,
"rubbleLeaveScale": 6.0,
"vineChance": 0.009,
"highwayLevelFromCities": 0,
"highwayPerlinFactor": 2.0,
"bridgeChance": 0.7,
"ruinMinlevelPercent": 0.8,
"buildingDoorwayChance": 0.6,
"icon": "textures/gui/icon_cavern.png",
"description": "This is a cavern type world (like the nether)",
"spawnSphere": "",
"forceSpawnInBuilding": false,
"terrainFixUpperMinOffset": -1,
"highwayDistanceMask": 7,
"terrainFixUpperMaxOffset": 1,
"generateLoot": true,
"terrainFixLowerMaxOffset": -3,
"chestWithoutLootChance": 0.2,
"terrainFixLowerMinOffset": -4,
"extraDescription": "There are lights in the building but the outside is very dark. Warning! This is pretty heavy on performance!",
"landscapeType": "cavern",
"generateLighting": true,
"libraryChance": 0.1,
"generateSpawners": true,
"buildingMinFloorsChance": 4,
"buildingWithoutLootChance": 0.2,
"railwayDungeonChance": 0.01,
"generateNether": false,
"parkChance": 0.2,
"corridorChance": 0.7,
"randomLeafBlockThickness": 2,
"buildingMaxCellars": 3,
"highwayMainPerlinScale": 50.0
"cityspheres": {
"__readonly__": "This profile is read only and cannot be modified! If you want to make a new profile based on this then you can make a copy to a new name",
"monorailOffset": -2,
"outsideSurfaceVariation": 1.0,
"monorailChance": 0.8,
"citySphereFactor": 1.2,
"citySphereChance": 0.7,
"citySphereClearAbove": 0,
"outsideProfile": "",
"sphereSurfaceVariation": 1.0,
"outsideGroundLevel": -1,
"onlyPredefined": false
"public": true