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#If enabled, hides the config button from the backpack screen
hideConfigButton = false
#The alignment of the buttons in the backpack inventory screen
#Allowed Values: LEFT, RIGHT
buttonAlignment = "RIGHT"
#Control sounds triggered by guns
#If true, a sound will play when you successfully hit a headshot on a entity with a gun
playSoundWhenHeadshot = true
#The sound to play when a headshot occurs
headshotSound = "minecraft:entity.player.attack.knockback"
#If true, a sound will play when you successfully hit a critical on a entity with a gun
playSoundWhenCritical = true
#The sound to play when a critical occurs
criticalSound = "minecraft:entity.player.attack.crit"
#The maximum distance impact sounds from bullet can be heard
#Range: 0.0 ~ 32.0
impactSoundDistance = 32.0
#Configuration for display related options
#If true, uses the old animation poses for weapons. This is only for nostalgic reasons and not recommended to switch back.
oldAnimations = false
#The custom crosshair to use for weapons. Go to (Options > Controls > Mouse Settings > Crosshair) in game to change this!
crosshair = "minecraft:default"
#If enabled, renders a cooldown indicator to make it easier to learn when you fire again.
cooldownIndicator = true
#If enabled, the weapon will sway when the player moves their look direction. This does not affect aiming and is only visual.
weaponSway = true
#The sensistivity of the visual weapon sway when the player moves their look direciton. The higher the value the more sway.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
swaySensitivity = 0.3
#The animation to use for sway. Directional follows the camera better while Drag is more immersive
#Allowed Values: DIRECTIONAL, DRAG
swayType = "DRAG"
#If enabled, the camera will roll when strafing while holding a gun. This creates a more immersive feeling.
cameraRollEffect = true
#When Camera Roll Effect is enabled, this is the absolute maximum angle the roll on the camera can approach.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 45.0
cameraRollAngle = 1.5
#When enabled, the Camera Roll Effect is only applied when holding a weapon.
restrictCameraRollToWeapons = true
#Enables the sprinting animation on weapons for better immersion. This only applies to weapons that support a sprinting animation.
sprintingAnimation = true
#The intensity of the custom bobbing animation while holding a gun
#Range: 0.0 ~ 2.0
bobbingIntensity = 1.0
#Properties relating to particles
#The minimum duration in ticks before bullet holes will disappear
#Range: > 0
bulletHoleLifeMin = 150
#The maximum duration in ticks before bullet holes will disappear
#Range: > 0
bulletHoleLifeMax = 200
#The percentage of the maximum life that must pass before particles begin fading away. 0 makes the particles always fade and 1 removes facing completely
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
bulletHoleFadeThreshold = 0.98
#If true, blood will will spawn from entities that are hit from a projectile
enableBlood = false
#The maximum distance impact particles can be seen from the player
#Range: 0.0 ~ 64.0
impactParticleDistance = 32.0
#Properties relating to controls
#A value to multiple the mouse sensitivity by when aiming down weapon sights. Go to (Options > Controls > Mouse Settings > ADS Sensitivity) in game to change this!
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
aimDownSightSensitivity = 0.75