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#Create Unlimited Config
#Train Settings
#Whether or not to enable the placement checks for train tracks.
#Allowed Values: ON, SURVIVAL_ONLY, OFF
placementChecksEnabled = "ON"
#Maximum stress from couplings before train derails. Set to -1 to disable.
#Range: -1.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
maxAllowedStress = 4.0
#Whether or not to allow trains to drive on "very illegal" tracks. Slightly buggy.
extendedDriving = false
#Maximum distance a train can be relocated using the wrench.
#Range: > 0
maxTrainRelocatingDistance = 24
#Glue Settings
#Maximum distance between two blocks for them to be considered for glue connections.
#Range: > 0
maxGlueConnectionRange = 24
#Require blocks to be connected for glue connections.
blocksMustBeConnectedForConnection = true