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#Common configuration settings. Most other configuration can be found in the world (server)configuration folder
#Check for new versions of Vampirism on startup
versionCheck = true
#Send mod version, MC version and mod count to mod author
collectStats = true
#INTERNAL - Set to 'never' if you don't want to be notified about integration mods
integrationsNotifier = ""
optifineBloodvisionWarning = false
#Affects all worlds. This is only considered on server (or in singleplayer), but Forge requires us to put it here
#Whether glass bottles should be automatically be converted to blood bottles when needed
autoConvertGlassBottles = true
#If enabled adds a craftable umbrella that can be used to slowly walk though sunlight without taking damage
umbrella = true
#Enable a custom vampirism log file that logs specific faction actions
#Requires restart
enableFactionLogging = false
#Settings here require a game restart
#Whether to inject the vampire forest into the default overworld generation and to replace some Taiga areas
addVampireForestToOverworld = true
#Only considered if terrablender installed. Heigher values increase Vampirism region weight (likelyhood to appear)
#Range: 1 ~ 1000
vampireForestWeight_terrablender = 2
#Control hunter camp generation. If disabled you should set hunterSpawnChance to 75.
enableHunterTentGeneration = true
#Use the vanilla campfire block instead of Vampirism's much cooler one
useVanillaCampfire = true
#Weight of the Totem Building inside the Village
#Range: 0 ~ 140
totemWeight = 20
#Chance for a totem to have a faction after generation
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
villageTotemFactionChance = 0.6
#Weight of the Hunter Trainer Building inside the Village
#Range: 0 ~ 140
villageHunterTrainerWeight = 50
#Whether village Temples should be replaced with versions that contain church altars.
villageReplaceTemples = true