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#Visual Settings
#Shows all tags an item has in the tooltip on hover if advanced tooltips (F3+H) are enabled.
showItemTagsInTooltip = false
#Disables the headache- and possibly seizure-inducing visual effects of Demon's Dream.
disableDemonsDreamShaders = false
#Disables holiday themed visual content such as familiar skins.
disableHolidayTheming = false
#When true the old divination rod selected block renderer will be used.
#May work for some people that do not see selected block outlines when using the divination rod.
useAlternativeDivinationRodRenderer = false
#Misc Settings
#Sync JEI search in storage actuator.
syncJeiSearch = false
#If true, divination rod will render all matching blocks with an outline. Disable if it causes lag.
#This setting will be unused, if Theurgy is installed alongside, as Occultism will use Theurgy's divination rod result rendering instead.
divinationRodHighlightAllResults = false
#The scan range in blocks for the divination rod. Too high might cause lags
#Range: > 1
divinationRodScanRange = 129