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// Client-side settings
"client": {
// If true, floating tooltips are shown above trading stations.
"showTradingStationTooltips": true,
// If true, Adorn items will also be shown in matching vanilla item tabs.
"showItemsInStandardGroups": true,
// The fluid unit to show fluid amounts in. Options: [litres, droplets]
"displayedFluidUnit": "litres"
// Default values for game rules in new worlds
"gameRuleDefaults": {
// If true, sleeping on sofas can skip the night.
"skipNightOnSofas": true,
// If true, kitchen sinks are infinite sources for infinite fluids.
"infiniteKitchenSinks": true,
// If true, broken trading stations drop a locked version with their contents inside.
"dropLockedTradingStations": true
// Mod compatibility toggles (enabled: true, disabled: false)
"compat": {
"byg": true,
"architects_palette": true,
"biomemakeover": true,
"biomesoplenty": true,
"ecologics": true