Yuki 12 months ago
parent 8fbc6a4514
commit ac8f7f54ff

@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
/** EMI Config */
#general {
* Whether EMI is enabled and visible.
enabled: true;
* Whether cheating in items is enabled.
cheat-mode: true;
* How much EMI should use tooltips and popups to show controls and information.
help-level: normal;
* Whether normal search queries should include the tooltip.
search-tooltip-by-default: true;
* Whether normal search queries should include the mod name.
search-mod-name-by-default: true;
* Whether normal search queries should include the stack's tags.
search-tags-by-default: true;
#ui {
* Which action should be performed when clicking the recipe book.
recipe-book-action: toggle-craftables;
* Where to display status effects in the inventory.
effect-location: top;
* Whether to display a gray overlay when hovering over a stack.
show-hover-overlay: true;
* Whether to add mod name to tooltips
append-mod-id: true;
* Whether to add mod name to item tooltips, in case another mod provides behavior
append-item-mod-id: true;
* Prevents recipes being quick crafted from shifting around under the cursor.
miscraft-prevention: true;
* The unit to display fluids as.
fluid-unit: millibuckets;
* Whether to use the batched render system. Batching is faster, but may have
* incompatibilities with shaders or other mods.
use-batched-renderer: true;
* Whether to have the search bar in the center of the screen, instead of to the
* side.
center-search-bar: true;
* Which sidebar type to switch to when searching.
search-sidebar-focus: index;
* Which sidebar type to focus when the search is empty.
empty-search-sidebar-focus: none;
* The amount of vertical margin to give in the recipe screen.
vertical-margin: 20;
* The minimum width of the recipe screen in pixels. Controls how many tabs there
* can be, and where the page switching buttons go. The default is 176, the width
* of most screens.
minimum-recipe-screen-width: 176;
* Where to show workstations in the recipe screen
workstation-location: bottom;
* Display cost per batch when hovering a recipe output
show-cost-per-batch: true;
* Whether recipes should have a button to set as default.
recipe-default-button: true;
* Whether recipes should have a button to show the recipe tree.
recipe-tree-button: true;
* Whether recipes should have a button to fill the ingredients in a handler.
recipe-fill-button: true;
* Whether recipes should have a button to take a screenshot of the recipe.
recipe-screenshot-button: false;
* The GUI scale at which recipe screenshots are saved. Use 0 to use the current
* GUI scale.
recipe-screenshot-scale: 0;
* The pages in the left sidebar
left-sidebar-pages: favorites;
* The subpanels in the left sidebar
left-sidebar-subpanels: none;
* How many columns and rows of ingredients to limit the left sidebar to
left-sidebar-size: 12, 100;
* How much space to maintain between the left sidebar and obstructions, in pixels
left-sidebar-margins: 2, 2, 2, 2;
* Where to position the left sidebar
left-sidebar-align: left, top;
* Whether to render the header buttons and page count for the left sidebar
left-sidebar-header: visible;
* Which theme to use for the left sidebar
left-sidebar-theme: transparent;
* The pages in the right sidebar
right-sidebar-pages: index, craftables;
* The subpanels in the right sidebar
right-sidebar-subpanels: none;
* How many columns and rows of ingredients to limit the right sidebar to
right-sidebar-size: 12, 100;
* How much space to maintain between the right sidebar and obstructions, in pixels
right-sidebar-margins: 2, 2, 2, 2;
* Where to position the right sidebar
right-sidebar-align: right, top;
* Whether to render the header buttons and page count for the right sidebar
right-sidebar-header: visible;
* Which theme to use for the right sidebar
right-sidebar-theme: transparent;
* The pages in the top sidebar
top-sidebar-pages: none;
* The subpanels in the top sidebar
top-sidebar-subpanels: none;
* How many columns and rows of ingredients to limit the top sidebar to
top-sidebar-size: 9, 9;
* How much space to maintain between the top sidebar and obstructions, in pixels
top-sidebar-margins: 2, 2, 2, 2;
* Where to position the top sidebar
top-sidebar-align: center, center;
* Whether to render the header buttons and page count for the top sidebar
top-sidebar-header: visible;
* Which theme to use for the top sidebar
top-sidebar-theme: transparent;
* The pages in the bottom sidebar
bottom-sidebar-pages: none;
* The subpanels in the bottom sidebar
bottom-sidebar-subpanels: none;
* How many columns and rows of ingredients to limit the bottom sidebar to
bottom-sidebar-size: 9, 9;
* How much space to maintain between the bottom sidebar and obstructions, in
* pixels
bottom-sidebar-margins: 2, 2, 2, 2;
* Where to position the bottom sidebar
bottom-sidebar-align: center, center;
* Whether to render the header buttons and page count for the bottom sidebar
bottom-sidebar-header: visible;
* Which theme to use for the bottom sidebar
bottom-sidebar-theme: transparent;
#binds {
* Toggle the visibility of EMI.
toggle-visibility: "ctrl key.keyboard.o";
* Focuse the search bar.
focus-search: "ctrl key.keyboard.f";
* Clears the search bar.
clear-search: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* Display the recipes for creating a stack.
view-recipes: "key.keyboard.r";
view-recipes: "key.mouse.left";
* Display the recipes that can be created using a stack.
view-uses: "key.keyboard.u";
view-uses: "key.mouse.right";
* Favorite the item to display on the side of the screen opposite of recipies for
* quick access.
favorite: "key.keyboard.a";
* Set the default recipe for a given stack in the output of a recipe to that
* recipe.
default-stack: "ctrl key.mouse.left";
* Display the recipe tree for a given stack.
view-stack-tree: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* Display the recipe tree.
view-tree: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* Return to the previous page in EMI.
back: "key.keyboard.backspace";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for a single result.
craft-one: "key.mouse.left";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for as many results as possible.
craft-all: "shift key.mouse.left";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for a single result and put in inventory if possible.
craft-one-to-inventory: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for as many results as possible and put in inventory if
* possible.
craft-all-to-inventory: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for a single result and put in cursor if possible.
craft-one-to-cursor: "ctrl key.mouse.left";
* Display the recipe that will be used to craft on a stack with no recipe context.
show-craft: "key.keyboard.left.shift";
* Cheat in one of an item into the inventory.
cheat-one-to-inventory: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* Cheat in a stack of an item into the inventory.
cheat-stack-to-inventory: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* Cheat in one of an item into the cursor.
cheat-one-to-cursor: "ctrl key.mouse.left";
* Cheat in a stack of an item into the cursor.
cheat-stack-to-cursor: "shift key.mouse.left";
* Delete the stack in the cursor when hovering the index
delete-cursor-stack: "key.mouse.left";
* In edit mode, hide the hovered stack
hide-stack: "ctrl key.mouse.left";
* In edit mode, hide stacks with the hovered stack's id
hide-stack-by-id: "ctrl shift key.mouse.left";
#dev {
* Whether development functions should be enabled. Not recommended for general
* play.
dev-mode: false;
* Whether editing the index is enabled
edit-mode: false;
* Whether to log untranslated tags as warnings.
log-untranslated-tags: false;
* Whether to log ingredients that don't have a representative tag as warnings.
log-non-tag-ingredients: false;
* Whether hovering the output of a recipe should show the recipe's EMI ID.
show-recipe-ids: false;
* Whether stacks in the index should display a highlight if they have a recipe
* default.
highlight-defaulted: false;
* Whether to display exclusion areas
highlight-exclusion-areas: false;

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
type = menu
customization-meta {
identifier = net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.TitleScreen
randomgroup = 1
renderorder = foreground
randommode = false
randomonlyfirsttime = false
customization {
keepaspectratio = false
action = backgroundoptions
customization {
identifier = %id=button_compatibility_id:mc_titlescreen_copyright_button%
action = hidebutton
customization {
identifier = %id=button_compatibility_id:mc_titlescreen_realms_button%
action = hidebutton
customization {
orientation = top-left
hidden = false
x = 346
width = 268
action = deep_customization_element:title_screen_forge_top
actionid = 6e63a00e-9646-4a3b-9021-4aa1c47904ac1686045286943
y = 4
height = 19
customization {
orientation = top-left
hidden = true
x = 2
width = 108
action = deep_customization_element:title_screen_branding
actionid = 45ebbbf9-fc8a-4cc3-8be5-680fb16aa5ac1686045286943
y = 464
height = 40
customization {
orientation = top-left
hidden = true
x = 731
width = 228
action = deep_customization_element:title_screen_forge_copyright
actionid = fed07017-7550-4779-bc35-280639eb2c5e1686045286943
y = 486
height = 9
customization {
orientation = top-left
hidden = true
x = 583
width = 13
action = deep_customization_element:title_screen_realms_notification
actionid = 010be72d-8e03-4724-b235-47ef450116731686045286943
y = 226
height = 13
customization {
orientation = top-left
hidden = false
x = 343
width = 274
action = deep_customization_element:title_screen_logo
actionid = 7cb9273b-7074-4b86-8018-4d5d90a929ad1686045286943
y = 30
height = 52
customization {
orientation = original
splash_color = #ffff00
hidden = false
x = 0
width = 60
splash_rotation = -20
action = deep_customization_element:title_screen_splash
actionid = 302139fe-ff76-4332-be08-3daf1711b0bb1686045286943
y = 0
height = 30
customization {
orientation = element
loopbackgroundanimations = true
restartbackgroundanimations = true
orientation_element = vanillabtn:button_compatibility_id:forge_titlescreen_mods_button
buttonaction = joinserver;
x = 101
width = 100
action = addbutton
actionid = 516c90d0-9c11-4227-8b5c-8718c3b1d9681686045307456
y = 0
label = Join Server
height = 20

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#Set this to true to disable advancement locking for ALL books, making all entries visible at all times. Config Flag: advancements_disabled
disableAdvancementLocking = false
#Granular list of Book ID's to disable advancement locking for, e.g. [ "botania:lexicon" ]. Config Flags: advancements_disabled_<bookid>
noAdvancementBooks = []
#Enable testing mode. By default this doesn't do anything, but you can use the config flag in your books if you want. Config Flag: testing_mode
testingMode = false
#Set this to the ID of a book to have it show up in players' inventories, replacing the recipe book.
inventoryButtonBook = ""
#Set this to true to use Shift instead of Ctrl for the inventory quick lookup feature.
useShiftForQuickLookup = false
#Set how text overflow should be coped with: overflow the text off the page, truncate overflowed text, or resize everything to fit. Relogin after changing.
textOverflowMode = "RESIZE"
#How long in ticks the quick lookup key needs to be pressed before the book opens
quickLookupTime = 10

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#Reforgium properties file
#Tue Jun 06 11:16:10 CEST 2023
#Tue Jun 06 11:56:38 CEST 2023

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#Display a thank you message at spawn?
sayThanksMessage = true