You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

375 lines
44 KiB

# Changelog
## \[1.3.0]
- Return correct type for ` event.payload ` in `onResized` and `onMoved` window event handlers.
- [0b46637e]( fix(api): construct correct object for onResized and onMoved, closes [#6507]( ([#6509]( on 2023-04-03
- Added the `WindowOptions::contentProtected` option and `WebviewWindow#setContentProtected` to change it at runtime.
- [4ab5545b]( feat: add content protection api, closes [#5132]( ([#5513]( on 2022-12-13
- Allow setting the text of the dialog buttons.
- [00e1efaa]( feat: customize button texts of message dialog ([#4383]( on 2022-12-28
- Add `is_minimized()` window method.
- [62144ef3]( feat: add is_minimized (fix [#3878]( ([#5618]( on 2022-12-13
- Add `title` getter on window.
- [233e43b0]( feat: add `title` getter on window, closes [#5023]( ([#5515]( on 2022-12-13
## \[1.2.0]
- Added the `acceptFirstMouse` window option.
- [95f467ad]( feat(core): add window `accept_first_mouse` option, closes [#5347]( ([#5374]( on 2022-10-17
- Fix incorrect return type on `fs/exists`
- [ca3cd8b3]( fix(api): fs/exists return type previously set to void when it should be boolean ([#5252]( on 2022-09-29
- Initialize `Monitor` instances with the correct classes for `position` and `size` fields instead of plain object.
- [6f41a271]( fix(api.js): fix `Monitor` initialization, closes [#4672]( ([#5314]( on 2022-09-30
- **Breaking change:** Node.js v12 is no longer supported.
- [1129f4f5]( refactor: simplify api.js bundling ([#4277]( on 2022-10-04
- Add new app-specific `BaseDirectory` enum variants `AppConfig`, `AppData`, `AppLocalData`, `AppCache` and `AppLog` along with equivalent functions in `path` module and deprecated ambiguous variants `Log` and `App` along with their equivalent functions in `path` module.
- [5d89905e]( feat(api): add app-specific directory APIs, closes [#5263]( ([#5272]( on 2022-09-28
- Fix `` return type
- [8357ce5b]( Fix return type ([#5373]( on 2022-10-08
- Added support to `FormData` on the `Body.form` function.
- [aa119f28]( feat(api): add FormData support on Body.form, closes [#5545]( ([#5546]( on 2022-11-04
- Added `show` and `hide` methods on the `app` module.
- [39bf895b]( feat(macOS): Add application `show` and `hide` methods ([#3689]( on 2022-10-03
- Added `tabbingIdentifier` window option for macOS.
- [4137ab44]( feat(macos): add `tabbing_identifier` option, closes [#2804](, [#3912]( ([#5399]( on 2022-10-19
- Added `tabbing_identifier` to the window builder on macOS.
- [4137ab44]( feat(macos): add `tabbing_identifier` option, closes [#2804](, [#3912]( ([#5399]( on 2022-10-19
- Added the `user_agent` option when creating a window.
- [a6c94119]( feat(core): expose user_agent to window config ([#5317]( on 2022-10-02
## \[1.1.0]
- Update `mockIPC()` handler signature to allow async handler functions.
- [4fa968dc]( fix(api): add async `mockIPC()` handler signature ([#5056]( on 2022-08-26
- Improve shell's `Command`, `Command.stdout` and `Command.stderr` events with new `once`, `off`, `listenerCount`, `prependListener`, `prependOnceListener` and `removeAllListeners` functions.
- [aa9f1243]( Improved EventEmitter for tauri api shell ([#4697]( on 2022-07-26
- Added the `encoding` option to the `Command` options.
- [d8cf9f9f]( Command support for specified character encoding, closes [#4644]( ([#4772]( on 2022-07-28
- Add `exists` function to the fs module.
- [3c62dbc9]( feat(api): Add `exists` function to the fs module. ([#5060]( on 2022-09-15
## \[1.0.2]
- Added helper functions to listen to updater and window events.
- [b02fc90f]( feat(api): add abstractions to updater and window event listeners ([#4569]( on 2022-07-05
- Add support to `ArrayBuffer` in `Body.bytes` and `writeBinaryFile`.
- [92aca55a]( feat(api): add support to ArrayBuffer ([#4579]( on 2022-07-05
- Use `toString()` on message/confirm/ask dialogs title and message values.
- [b8cd2a79]( feat(api): call `toString()` on dialog title and message, closes [#4583]( ([#4588]( on 2022-07-04
- Remove the `type-fest` dependency, changing the OS types to the specific enum instead of allowing any string.
- [d5e910eb]( chore(api): remove `type-fest` ([#4605]( on 2022-07-06
## \[1.0.1]
- Fixes the `writeBinaryFile` sending an empty file contents when only the first argument is passed.
- [ea43cf52]( fix(api): `writeBinaryFile` sends an empty contents with only one arg ([#4368]( on 2022-06-16
## \[1.0.0]
- Allow choosing multiple folders in ``.
- [4e51dce6]( fix: dialog open supports multiple dirs, fixes [#4091]( ([#4354]( on 2022-06-15
- Upgrade to `stable`!
- [f4bb30cc]( feat(covector): prepare for v1 ([#4351]( on 2022-06-15
## \[1.0.0-rc.7]
- Fix `FilePart` usage in `http.Body.form` by renaming the `value` property to `file`.
- [55f89d5f]( fix(api): Rename FormPart `value` to `file` to match docs and endpoint ([#4307]( on 2022-06-09
- Fixes a memory leak in the command system.
- [f72cace3]( fix: never remove ipc callback & mem never be released ([#4274]( on 2022-06-05
- The notification's `isPermissionGranted` function now returns `boolean` instead of `boolean | null`. The response is never `null` because we won't check the permission for now, always returning `true` instead.
- [f482b094]( fix: remove notification permission prompt ([#4302]( on 2022-06-09
- Added the `resolveResource` API to the path module.
- [7bba8db8]( feat(api): add `resolveResource` API to the path module ([#4234]( on 2022-05-29
- Renamed `writeFile` to `writeTextFile` but kept the original function for backwards compatibility.
- [3f998ca2]( feat(api): add `writeTextFile` and `(path, contents, options)` overload ([#4228]( on 2022-05-29
- Added `(path, contents[, options])` overload to the `writeTextFile` and `writeBinaryFile` APIs.
- [3f998ca2]( feat(api): add `writeTextFile` and `(path, contents, options)` overload ([#4228]( on 2022-05-29
## \[1.0.0-rc.6]
- Expose option to set the dialog type.
- [f46175d5]( feat(core): expose option to set dialog type, closes [#4183]( ([#4187]( on 2022-05-21
- Expose `title` option in the message dialog API.
- [ae99f991]( feat(core): expose message dialog's title option, ref [#4183]( ([#4186]( on 2022-05-21
## \[1.0.0-rc.5]
- Fixes the type of `http > connectTimeout`.
- [f3c5ca89]( fix(core): http api `connect_timeout` deserialization, closes [#4004]( ([#4006]( on 2022-04-29
## \[1.0.0-rc.4]
- Encode the file path in the `convertFileSrc` function.
- [42e8d9cf]( fix(api): encode file path in `convertFileSrc` function, closes [#3841]( ([#3846]( on 2022-04-02
- Added `theme` getter to `WebviewWindow`.
- [4cebcf6d]( feat: expose theme APIs, closes [#3903]( ([#3937]( on 2022-04-21
- Added `theme` field to `WindowOptions`.
- [4cebcf6d]( feat: expose theme APIs, closes [#3903]( ([#3937]( on 2022-04-21
- Added the `setCursorGrab`, `setCursorVisible`, `setCursorIcon` and `setCursorPosition` methods to the `WebviewWindow` class.
- [c54ddfe9]( feat: expose window cursor APIs, closes [#3888]( [#3890]( ([#3935]( on 2022-04-21
- **Breaking change:** The process Command API stdio lines now includes the trailing `\r`.
- [b5622882]( fix(cli): exit on non-compilation Cargo errors, closes [#3930]( ([#3942]( on 2022-04-22
- Added the `tauri://theme-changed` event.
- [4cebcf6d]( feat: expose theme APIs, closes [#3903]( ([#3937]( on 2022-04-21
## \[1.0.0-rc.3]
- Properly define the `appWindow` type.
- [1deeb03e]( fix(api.js): appWindow shown as type `any`, fixes [#3747]( ([#3772]( on 2022-03-24
- Added `Temp` to the `BaseDirectory` enum.
- [266156a0]( feat(core): add `BaseDirectory::Temp` and `$TEMP` variable ([#3763]( on 2022-03-24
## \[1.0.0-rc.2]
- Do not crash if `__TAURI_METADATA__` is not set, log an error instead.
- [9cb1059a]( fix(api): do not throw an exception if **TAURI_METADATA** is not set, fixes [#3554]( ([#3572]( on 2022-03-03
- Reimplement endpoint to read file as string for performance.
- [834ccc51]( feat(core): reimplement `readTextFile` for performance ([#3631]( on 2022-03-07
- Fixes a regression on the `unlisten` command.
- [76c791bd]( fix(core): regression on the unlisten function ([#3623]( on 2022-03-06
## \[1.0.0-rc.1]
- Provide functions to mock IPC calls during testing and static site generation.
- [7e04c072]( feat: add mock functions for testing and SSG ([#3437]( on 2022-02-14
- [6f5ed2e6]( fix: change file on 2022-02-14
## \[1.0.0-rc.0]
- Add `fileDropEnabled` property to `WindowOptions` so you can now disable it when creating windows from js.
- [1bfc32a3]( fix(api.js): add `fileDropEnabled` to `WindowOptions`, closes [#2968]( ([#2989]( on 2021-12-09
- Add `logDir` function to the `path` module to access the suggested log directory.
Add `BaseDirectory.Log` to the `fs` module.
- [acbb3ae7]( feat: add Log directory ([#2736]( on 2021-10-16
- [62c7a8ad]( chore(covector): prepare for `rc` release ([#3376]( on 2022-02-10
- Expose `ask`, `message` and `confirm` APIs on the dialog module.
- [e98c1af4]( feat(core): expose message dialog APIs, fix window.confirm, implement HasRawWindowHandle for Window, closes [#2535]( ([#2700]( on 2021-10-02
- Event `emit` now automatically serialize non-string types.
- [06000996]( feat(api): support unknown types for event emit payload, closes [#2929]( ([#2964]( on 2022-01-07
- Fix `http.fetch` throwing error if the response is successful but the body is empty.
- [50c63900]( fix(api.js): fix `http.fetch` throwing error if response body is empty, closes [#2831]( ([#3008]( on 2021-12-09
- Add `title` option to file open/save dialogs.
- [e1d6a6e6]( Create ([#3235]( on 2022-01-16
- [62c7a8ad]( chore(covector): prepare for `rc` release ([#3376]( on 2022-02-10
- Fix `os.platform` returning `macos` and `windows` instead of `darwin` and `win32`.
- [3924c3d8]( fix(api.js): fix `os.platform` return on macos and windows, closes [#2698]( ([#2699]( on 2021-10-02
- The `formatCallback` helper function now returns a number instead of a string.
- [a48b8b18]( feat(core): validate callbacks and event names \[TRI-038] \[TRI-020] ([#21]( on 2022-01-09
- Added `rawHeaders` to `http > Response`.
- [b7a2345b]( feat(core): add raw headers to HTTP API, closes [#2695]( ([#3053]( on 2022-01-07
- Removed the `currentDir` API from the `path` module.
- [a08509c6]( fix(api): remove `currentDir` API from the `path` module on 2022-02-04
- Remove `.ts` files on the published package.
- [0f321ac0]( fix(api): do not ship TS files, closes [#2598]( ([#2645]( on 2021-09-23
- **Breaking change:** Replaces all usages of `number[]` with `Uint8Array` to be closer aligned with the wider JS ecosystem.
- [9b19a805]( fix(api.js) Replace `number[]`with `Uint8Array`. fixes [#3306]( ([#3305]( on 2022-02-05
- `WindowManager` methods `innerPosition` `outerPosition` now correctly return instance of `PhysicalPosition`.
`WindowManager` methods `innerSize` `outerSize` now correctly return instance of `PhysicalSize`.
- [cc8b1468]( Fix(api): Window size and position returning wrong class (fix: [#2599]( ([#2621]( on 2021-09-22
- Change the `event` field of the `Event` interface to type `EventName` instead of `string`.
- [b5d9bcb4]( Consistent event name usage ([#3228]( on 2022-01-15
- [62c7a8ad]( chore(covector): prepare for `rc` release ([#3376]( on 2022-02-10
- Now `resolve()`, `join()` and `normalize()` from the `path` module, won't throw errors if the path doesn't exist, which matches NodeJS behavior.
- [fe381a0b]( fix: `join` no longer cares if path doesn't exist, closes [#2499]( ([#2548]( on 2021-09-21
- Fixes the dialog `defaultPath` usage on Linux.
- [2212bd5d]( fix: dialog default path on Linux, closes [#3091]( ([#3123]( on 2021-12-27
- Fixes `window.label` property returning null instead of the actual label.
- [f5109e0c]( fix(api): window label null instead of actual value, closes [#3295]( ([#3332]( on 2022-02-04
- Remove the `BaseDirectory::Current` enum variant for security reasons.
- [696dca58]( refactor(core): remove `BaseDirectory::Current` variant on 2022-01-26
- Change `WindowLabel` type to `string`.
- [f68603ae]( chore(docs): simplify event system documentation on 2021-09-27
- When building Universal macOS Binaries through the virtual target `universal-apple-darwin`:
- Expect a universal binary to be created by the user
- Ensure that binary is bundled and accessed correctly at runtime
- [3035e458]( Remove target triple from sidecar bin paths, closes [#3355]( ([#3356]( on 2022-02-07
## \[1.0.0-beta.8]
- Revert target back to ES5.
- [657c7dac]( fix(api): revert ES2021 target on 2021-08-23
## \[1.0.0-beta.7]
- Fix missing asset protocol path.Now the protocol is `https://asset.localhost/path/to/file` on Windows. Linux and macOS
is still `asset://path/to/file`.
- [994b5325]( fix: missing asset protocol path ([#2484]( on 2021-08-23
## \[1.0.0-beta.6]
- `bundle` now exports `clipboard` module so you can `import { clipboard } from "@tauri-apps/api"`.
- [4f88c3fb]( fix(api.js): `bundle` now exports `clipboard` mod, closes [#2243]( ([#2244]( on 2021-07-19
- Fix double window creation
- [9fbcc024]( fix(api.js): fix double window creation, closes [#2284]( ([#2285]( on 2021-07-23
- Add `os` module which exports `EOL`, `platform()`, `version()`, `type()`, `arch()`, `tempdir()`
- [05e679a6]( feat(api.js): add `os` module ([#2299]( on 2021-07-28
- - Add new nodejs-inspired functions which are `join`, `resolve`, `normalize`, `dirname`, `basename` and `extname`.
- Add `sep` and `delimiter` constants.
- Removed `resolvePath` API, use `resolve` instead.
- [05b9d81e]( feat(api.js): add nodejs-inspired functions in `path` module ([#2310]( on 2021-08-02
- Change target to ES2021.
- [97bc52ee]( Tooling: \[API] Changed target in tsconfig to es6 ([#2362]( on 2021-08-09
- Add `toggleMaximize()` function to the `WebviewWindow` class.
- [1a510066]( fix(core): `data-tauri-drag-region` didn't respect resizable, closes [#2314]( ([#2316]( on 2021-08-02
- Fix `@ts-expect` error usage
- [dd52e738]( fix(api.js): fix `@ts-expect-error` usage, closes [#2249]( ([#2250]( on 2021-07-20
- Fixes file drop events being swapped (`file-drop-hover` on drop and `file-drop` on hover).
- [c2b0fe1c]( fix(core): fix wrong file drop events ([#2300]( on 2021-07-31
- Fixes the global bundle UMD code.
- [268450b1]( fix(api): global bundle broken code, closes [#2289]( ([#2297]( on 2021-07-26
- - Fixes monitor api not working.
- Fixes window.print() not working on macOS.
- [0f63f5e7]( fix(api): Fix monitor functions, closes [#2294]( ([#2301]( on 2021-07-29
- Improve `EventName` type using `type-fest`'s `LiteralUnion`.
- [8e480297]( feat(api): improve `EventName` type definition ([#2379]( on 2021-08-10
- Update protocol url path with wry 0.12.1 on Windows.
- [88382fe1]( chore(api): update protocol url path with wry 0.12.1 on Windows ([#2409]( on 2021-08-13
## \[1.0.0-beta.5]
- Adds `convertFileSrc` helper to the `tauri` module, simplifying the process of using file paths as webview source (`img`, `video`, etc).
- [51a5cfe4]( feat(api): add `convertFileSrc` helper ([#2138]( on 2021-07-02
- You can now use `emit`, `listen` and `once` using the `appWindow` exported by the window module.
- [5d7626f8]( feat(api): WindowManager extends WebviewWindowHandle, add events docs ([#2146]( on 2021-07-03
- Allow manipulating a spawned window directly using `WebviewWindow`, which now extends `WindowManager`.
- [d69b1cf6]( feat(api): allow managing windows created on JS ([#2154]( on 2021-07-05
## \[1.0.0-beta.4]
- Add asset custom protocol to access local file system.
- [ee60e424]( feat: asset custom protocol to access local file system ([#2104]( on 2021-06-28
## \[1.0.0-beta.3]
- Export `Response` and `ResponseType` as value instead of type.
- [394b6e05]( fix(api): http `ResponseType` export type error ([#2065]( on 2021-06-24
## \[1.0.0-beta.2]
- Export `BaseDirectory` in `path` module
- [277f5ca5]( feat(api): export `BaseDirectory` in `path` module ([#1885]( on 2021-05-30
- Use `export type` to export TS types, enums and interfaces.
- [9a662d26]( fix: Monitor if --isolatedModules is enabled ([#1825]( on 2021-05-13
- [612cd8ec]( feat(api): finalize `export type` usage ([#1847]( on 2021-05-17
- Adds `focus?: boolean` to the WindowOptions interface.
- [5f351622]( feat(core): add focus API to the WindowBuilder and WindowOptions, [#1737]( on 2021-05-30
- Adds `isDecorated` getter on the window API.
- [f58a2114]( feat(core): add `is_decorated` Window getter on 2021-05-30
- Adds `isResizable` getter on the window API.
- [1e8af280]( feat(core): add `is_resizable` Window getter on 2021-05-30
- Adds `isVisible` getter on the window API.
- [36506c96]( feat(core): add `is_visible` API on 2021-05-30
- Adds `requestUserAttention` API to the `window` module.
- [7dcca6e9]( feat(core): add `request_user_attention` API, closes [#2023]( ([#2026]( on 2021-06-20
- Adds `setFocus` to the window API.
- [bb6992f8]( feat(core): add `set_focus` window API, fixes [#1737]( on 2021-05-30
- Adds `setSkipTaskbar` to the window API.
- [e06aa277]( feat(core): add `set_skip_taskbar` API on 2021-05-30
- Adds `skipTaskbar?: boolean` to the WindowOptions interface.
- [5525b03a]( feat(core): add `skip_taskbar` API to the WindowBuilder/WindowOptions on 2021-05-30
- Adds `center?: boolean` to `WindowOptions` and `center()` API to the `appWindow`.
- [5cba6eb4]( feat(core): add window `center` API, closes [#1822]( ([#1954]( on 2021-06-05
- Adds `clipboard` APIs (write and read text).
- [285bf64b]( feat(core): add clipboard writeText and readText APIs ([#2035]( on 2021-06-21
- [dee71ad5]( fix(workflows): update docs workflow syntax ([#2054]( on 2021-06-23
- The `http` APIs now resolve the returned promise when the API call finishes with an error status code.
- [47f75584]( fix(core): resolve HTTP API on non-ok status code, fix binary response, closes [#2046]( ([#2053]( on 2021-06-23
- Improve RPC security by requiring a numeric code to invoke commands. The codes are generated by the Rust side and injected into the app's code using a closure, so external scripts can't access the backend. This change doesn't protect `withGlobalTauri` (`window.__TAURI__`) usage.
- [160fb052]( feat(core): improve RPC security, closes [#814]( ([#2047]( on 2021-06-22
- Mark the `WebviewWindow` constructor as public.
- [4aeb936e]( fix(api): `WebviewWindow` constructor is public ([#1888]( on 2021-05-21
- Validate arguments on the window `setLocation`, `setSize`, `setMinSize` and `setMaxSize` API.
- [7616e6cc]( feat(api): validate window API `size` and `location` arguments ([#1846]( on 2021-05-17
## \[1.0.0-beta.1]
- Adds `package.json` to the `exports` object.
- [ab1ea96]( chore(api): add `package.json` to the `exports` field ([#1807]( on 2021-05-12
## \[1.0.0-beta.0]
- CommonJS chunks are now properly exported with `.cjs` extension
- [ddcd923]( fix(api): export commonjs chunks with `.cjs` extension, fix [#1625]( ([#1627]( on 2021-04-26
- Adds `transparent?: boolean` to the `WindowOptions` interface.
- [08c1c5c]( fix(api): missing `transparent` flag on `WindowOptions` ([#1764]( on 2021-05-10
- Adds `options` argument to the shell command API (`env` and `cwd` configuration).
- [721e98f]( feat(core): add env, cwd to the command API, closes [#1634]( ([#1635]( on 2021-04-28
- Adds `startDragging` API on the window module.
- [c31f097]( refactor: update to wry 0.9 ([#1630]( on 2021-04-28
- Move `exit` and `relaunch` APIs from `app` to `process` module.
- [b0bb796]( refactor: rename `command` mod to `process`, move restart_application ([#1667]( on 2021-04-30
- The window management API was refactored: removed `setX`, `setY`, `setWidth`, `setHeight` APIs, renamed `resize` to `setSize` and the size and position APIs now allow defining both logical and physical values.
- [6bfac86]( refactor(core): add window getters, physical & logical sizes/positions ([#1723]( on 2021-05-05
- Adds window getters.
- [6bfac86]( refactor(core): add window getters, physical & logical sizes/positions ([#1723]( on 2021-05-05
## \[1.0.0-beta-rc.3]
- Fixes distribution of the `@tauri-apps/api` package for older bundlers.
- [7f998d0]( fix(api): distribution ([#1582]( on 2021-04-22
- Update minimum Node.js version to v12.13.0
- [1f089fb]( chore: update minimum nodejs version to 12.13.0 ([#1562]( on 2021-04-21
## \[1.0.0-beta-rc.2]
- TS was wrongly re-exporting the module.
- [fcb3b48]( fix: [#1512]( ([#1517]( on 2021-04-19
- [ae14a3f]( fix: [#1517]( had the wrong package reference in the changefile ([#1538]( on 2021-04-19
## \[1.0.0-beta-rc.1]
- Missing the `files` property in the package.json which mean that the `dist` directory was not published and used.
- [b2569a7]( fix(js-api): dist ([#1498]( on 2021-04-15
## \[1.0.0-beta-rc.0]
- Add current working directory to the path api module.
- [52c2baf]( feat: add current working directory to path api module ([#1375]( on 2021-03-23
- [a6def70]( Refactor(tauri): move tauri-api and tauri-updater to tauri ([#1455]( on 2021-04-11
- The shell process spawning API was rewritten and now includes stream access.
- [3713066]( refactor(core): rewrite shell execute API, closes [#1229]( ([#1408]( on 2021-03-31
- The file dialog API now uses [rfd]( The filter option is now an array of `{ name: string, extensions: string[] }`.
- [2326bcd]( refactor(core): use `nfd` for file dialogs, closes [#1251]( ([#1257]( on 2021-02-18
- [a6def70]( Refactor(tauri): move tauri-api and tauri-updater to tauri ([#1455]( on 2021-04-11
- The HTTP API was improved with client caching and better payload and response types.
- [a7bc472]( refactor(core): improve HTTP API, closes [#1098]( ([#1237]( on 2021-02-15
- [a6def70]( Refactor(tauri): move tauri-api and tauri-updater to tauri ([#1455]( on 2021-04-11
- Update all code files to have our license header.
- [bf82136]( feat(license): SPDX Headers ([#1449]( on 2021-04-11
- [a6def70]( Refactor(tauri): move tauri-api and tauri-updater to tauri ([#1455]( on 2021-04-11
- [aea6145]( refactor(repo): add /tooling folder ([#1457]( on 2021-04-12
- Use secure RNG on callback function names.
- [c8992bb]( refactor(api): use secure RNG, closes [#1356]( ([#1398]( on 2021-03-30
- The invoke function can now be called with the cmd as the first parameter and the args as the second.
- [427d170]( feat(api/invoke): separate cmd arg ([#1321]( on 2021-03-04
- Adds a global shortcut API.
- [855effa]( feat(core): globalShortcut API ([#1232]( on 2021-02-14
- [a6def70]( Refactor(tauri): move tauri-api and tauri-updater to tauri ([#1455]( on 2021-04-11
- Added window management and window creation APIs.
- [a3d6dff]( feat(core): window API ([#1225]( on 2021-02-13
- [641374b]( feat(core): window creation at runtime ([#1249]( on 2021-02-17