You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

222 lines
6.1 KiB

/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars,no-console */
import { cyan, yellow, red } from 'kleur/colors';
import debug from 'debug';
import { ResolvedOptions, Warning } from './options';
import { SvelteRequest } from './id';
const levels: string[] = ['debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'silent'];
const prefix = 'vite-plugin-svelte';
const loggers: { [key: string]: any } = {
debug: {
log: debug(`vite:${prefix}`),
enabled: false,
isDebug: true
info: {
color: cyan,
log: console.log,
enabled: true
warn: {
color: yellow,
log: console.warn,
enabled: true
error: {
color: red,
log: console.error,
enabled: true
silent: {
enabled: false
let _level: string = 'info';
function setLevel(level: string) {
if (level === _level) {
const levelIndex = levels.indexOf(level);
if (levelIndex > -1) {
_level = level;
for (let i = 0; i < levels.length; i++) {
loggers[levels[i]].enabled = i >= levelIndex;
} else {
_log(loggers.error, `invalid log level: ${level} `);
function _log(logger: any, message: string, payload?: any, namespace?: string) {
if (!logger.enabled) {
if (logger.isDebug) {
const log = namespace ? logger.log.extend(namespace) : logger.log;
payload !== undefined ? log(message, payload) : log(message);
} else {
`${new Date().toLocaleTimeString()} [${prefix}${
namespace ? `:${namespace}` : ''
}] ${message}`
if (payload) {
export interface LogFn {
(message: string, payload?: any, namespace?: string): void;
enabled: boolean;
once: (message: string, payload?: any, namespace?: string) => void;
function createLogger(level: string): LogFn {
const logger = loggers[level];
const logFn: LogFn = _log.bind(null, logger) as LogFn;
const logged = new Set<String>();
const once = function (message: string, payload?: any, namespace?: string) {
if (!logger.enabled || logged.has(message)) {
logFn.apply(null, [message, payload, namespace]);
Object.defineProperty(logFn, 'enabled', {
get() {
return logger.enabled;
Object.defineProperty(logFn, 'once', {
get() {
return once;
return logFn;
export const log = {
debug: createLogger('debug'),
info: createLogger('info'),
warn: createLogger('warn'),
error: createLogger('error'),
export type SvelteWarningsMessage = {
id: string;
filename: string;
normalizedFilename: string;
timestamp: number;
warnings: Warning[]; // allWarnings filtered by warnings where onwarn did not call the default handler
allWarnings: Warning[]; // includes warnings filtered by onwarn and our extra vite plugin svelte warnings
rawWarnings: Warning[]; // raw compiler output
export function logCompilerWarnings(
svelteRequest: SvelteRequest,
warnings: Warning[],
options: ResolvedOptions
) {
const { emitCss, onwarn, isBuild } = options;
const sendViaWS = !isBuild && options.experimental?.sendWarningsToBrowser;
let warn = isBuild ? warnBuild : warnDev;
const handledByDefaultWarn: Warning[] = [];
const notIgnored = warnings?.filter((w) => !ignoreCompilerWarning(w, isBuild, emitCss));
const extra = buildExtraWarnings(warnings, isBuild);
const allWarnings = [...notIgnored, ...extra];
if (sendViaWS) {
const _warn = warn;
warn = (w: Warning) => {
allWarnings.forEach((warning) => {
if (onwarn) {
onwarn(warning, warn);
} else {
if (sendViaWS) {
const message: SvelteWarningsMessage = {
filename: svelteRequest.filename,
normalizedFilename: svelteRequest.normalizedFilename,
timestamp: svelteRequest.timestamp,
warnings: handledByDefaultWarn, // allWarnings filtered by warnings where onwarn did not call the default handler
allWarnings, // includes warnings filtered by onwarn and our extra vite plugin svelte warnings
rawWarnings: warnings // raw compiler output
log.debug(`sending svelte:warnings message for ${svelteRequest.normalizedFilename}`);
options.server?.ws?.send('svelte:warnings', message);
function ignoreCompilerWarning(
warning: Warning,
isBuild: boolean,
emitCss: boolean | undefined
): boolean {
return (
(!emitCss && warning.code === 'css-unused-selector') || // same as rollup-plugin-svelte
(!isBuild && isNoScopableElementWarning(warning))
function isNoScopableElementWarning(warning: Warning) {
// see
return warning.code === 'css-unused-selector' && warning.message.includes('"*"');
function buildExtraWarnings(warnings: Warning[], isBuild: boolean): Warning[] {
const extraWarnings = [];
if (!isBuild) {
const noScopableElementWarnings = warnings.filter((w) => isNoScopableElementWarning(w));
if (noScopableElementWarnings.length > 0) {
// in case there are multiple, use last one as that is the one caused by our *{} rule
const noScopableElementWarning =
noScopableElementWarnings[noScopableElementWarnings.length - 1];
code: 'vite-plugin-svelte-css-no-scopable-elements',
message: `No scopable elements found in template. If you're using global styles in the style tag, you should move it into an external stylesheet file and import it in JS. See`
return extraWarnings;
function warnDev(w: Warning) { &&;
function warnBuild(w: Warning) {
log.warn.enabled && log.warn(buildExtendedLogMessage(w), w.frame);
export function buildExtendedLogMessage(w: Warning) {
const parts = [];
if (w.filename) {
if (w.start) {
parts.push(':', w.start.line, ':', w.start.column);
if (w.message) {
if (parts.length > 0) {
parts.push(' ');
return parts.join('');
export function isDebugNamespaceEnabled(namespace: string) {
return debug.enabled(`vite:${prefix}:${namespace}`);