import { ResolvedOptions } from './options'; import fs from 'fs'; import { toRollupError } from './error'; import { log } from './log'; import type { SvelteRequest } from './id'; import { type CompileData, CompileSvelte } from './compile'; /** * utility function to compile ?raw and ?direct requests in load hook */ export async function loadRaw( svelteRequest: SvelteRequest, compileSvelte: CompileSvelte, options: ResolvedOptions ) { const { id, filename, query } = svelteRequest; // raw svelte subrequest, compile on the fly and return requested subpart let compileData; const source = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8'); try { //avoid compileSvelte doing extra ssr stuff unless requested svelteRequest.ssr = query.compilerOptions?.generate === 'ssr'; const type = query.type; compileData = await compileSvelte(svelteRequest, source, { ...options, // don't use dynamic vite-plugin-svelte defaults here to ensure stable result between ssr,dev and build compilerOptions: { dev: false, css: false, hydratable: false, enableSourcemap: query.sourcemap ? { js: type === 'script' || type === 'all', css: type === 'style' || type === 'all' } : false, ...svelteRequest.query.compilerOptions }, hot: false, emitCss: true }); } catch (e) { throw toRollupError(e, options); } let result; if (query.type === 'style') { result = compileData.compiled.css; } else if (query.type === 'script') { result = compileData.compiled.js; } else if (query.type === 'preprocessed') { result = compileData.preprocessed; } else if (query.type === 'all' && query.raw) { return allToRawExports(compileData, source); } else { throw new Error( `invalid "type=${query.type}" in ${id}. supported are script, style, preprocessed, all` ); } if ( { const supportedDirectTypes = ['script', 'style']; if (!supportedDirectTypes.includes(query.type)) { throw new Error( `invalid "type=${ query.type }" combined with direct in ${id}. supported are: ${supportedDirectTypes.join(', ')}` ); } log.debug(`load returns direct result for ${id}`); let directOutput = result.code; if (query.sourcemap && { const map = `sourceMappingURL=${}`; if (query.type === 'style') { directOutput += `\n\n/*# ${map} */\n`; } else if (query.type === 'script') { directOutput += `\n\n//# ${map}\n`; } } return directOutput; } else if (query.raw) { log.debug(`load returns raw result for ${id}`); return toRawExports(result); } else { throw new Error(`invalid raw mode in ${id}, supported are raw, direct`); } } /** * turn compileData and source into a flat list of raw exports * * @param compileData * @param source */ function allToRawExports(compileData: CompileData, source: string) { // flatten CompileData const exports: Partial = { ...compileData, ...compileData.compiled, source }; delete exports.compiled; delete exports.filename; // absolute path, remove to avoid it in output return toRawExports(exports); } /** * turn object into raw exports. * * every prop is returned as a const export, and if prop 'code' exists it is additionally added as default export * * eg {'foo':'bar','code':'baz'} results in * * ```js * export const code='baz' * export const foo='bar' * export default code * ``` * @param object */ function toRawExports(object: object) { let exports = Object.entries(object) //eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value !== 'function') // preprocess output has a toString function that's enumerable .sort(([a], [b]) => (a < b ? -1 : a === b ? 0 : 1)) .map(([key, value]) => `export const ${key}=${JSON.stringify(value)}`) .join('\n') + '\n'; if (, 'code')) { exports += `export default code\n`; } return exports; }