import * as crypto from 'crypto'; const hashes = Object.create(null); //TODO shorter? const hash_length = 12; export function safeBase64Hash(input: string) { if (hashes[input]) { return hashes[input]; } //TODO if performance really matters, use a faster one like xx-hash etc. // should be evenly distributed because short input length and similarities in paths could cause collisions otherwise // OR DON'T USE A HASH AT ALL, what about a simple counter? const md5 = crypto.createHash('md5'); md5.update(input); const hash = toSafe(md5.digest('base64')).slice(0, hash_length); hashes[input] = hash; return hash; } const replacements: { [key: string]: string } = { '+': '-', '/': '_', '=': '' }; const replaceRE = new RegExp(`[${Object.keys(replacements).join('')}]`, 'g'); function toSafe(base64: string) { return base64.replace(replaceRE, (x) => replacements[x]); }