import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; import { compile, preprocess } from 'svelte/compiler'; import { DepOptimizationOptions } from 'vite'; import { Compiled } from './compile'; import { log } from './log'; import { CompileOptions, ResolvedOptions } from './options'; import { toESBuildError } from './error'; import { StatCollection } from './vite-plugin-svelte-stats'; type EsbuildOptions = NonNullable; type EsbuildPlugin = NonNullable[number]; export const facadeEsbuildSveltePluginName = 'vite-plugin-svelte:facade'; export function esbuildSveltePlugin(options: ResolvedOptions): EsbuildPlugin { return { name: 'vite-plugin-svelte:optimize-svelte', setup(build) { // Skip in scanning phase as Vite already handles scanning Svelte files. // Otherwise this would heavily slow down the scanning phase. if (build.initialOptions.plugins?.some((v) => === 'vite:dep-scan')) return; const svelteExtensions = (options.extensions ?? ['.svelte']).map((ext) => ext.slice(1)); const svelteFilter = new RegExp(`\\.(` + svelteExtensions.join('|') + `)(\\?.*)?$`); let statsCollection: StatCollection | undefined; build.onStart(() => { statsCollection = options.stats?.startCollection('prebundle libraries', { logResult: (c) => c.stats.length > 1 }); }); build.onLoad({ filter: svelteFilter }, async ({ path: filename }) => { const code = readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'); try { const contents = await compileSvelte(options, { filename, code }, statsCollection); return { contents }; } catch (e) { return { errors: [toESBuildError(e, options)] }; } }); build.onEnd(() => { statsCollection?.finish(); }); } }; } async function compileSvelte( options: ResolvedOptions, { filename, code }: { filename: string; code: string }, statsCollection?: StatCollection ): Promise { let css = options.compilerOptions.css; if (css !== 'none') { // TODO ideally we'd be able to externalize prebundled styles too, but for now always put them in the js css = 'injected'; } const compileOptions: CompileOptions = { ...options.compilerOptions, css, filename, format: 'esm', generate: 'dom' }; let preprocessed; if (options.preprocess) { try { preprocessed = await preprocess(code, options.preprocess, { filename }); } catch (e) { e.message = `Error while preprocessing ${filename}${e.message ? ` - ${e.message}` : ''}`; throw e; } if ( compileOptions.sourcemap =; } const finalCode = preprocessed ? preprocessed.code : code; const dynamicCompileOptions = await options.experimental?.dynamicCompileOptions?.({ filename, code: finalCode, compileOptions }); if (dynamicCompileOptions && log.debug.enabled) { log.debug(`dynamic compile options for ${filename}: ${JSON.stringify(dynamicCompileOptions)}`); } const finalCompileOptions = dynamicCompileOptions ? { ...compileOptions, ...dynamicCompileOptions } : compileOptions; const endStat = statsCollection?.start(filename); const compiled = compile(finalCode, finalCompileOptions) as Compiled; if (endStat) { endStat(); } return compiled.js.code + '//# sourceMappingURL=' +; }