# 7.css [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/7.css)](http://npm.im/7.css) [![gzip size](https://img.shields.io/bundlephobia/minzip/7.css)](https://unpkg.com/7.css) ![A screenshot of a window with the title 'My First Program' and two buttons OK and Cancel, styled like a Windows 7 dialog](/docs/window.png) **7.css** is a CSS framework that takes semantic HTML and styles them to the Windows 7 design. It is built on top of [XP.css](https://github.com/botoxparty/XP.css), which is an extension of [98.CSS](https://github.com/jdan/98.css). It does not ship with any JavaScript, so it is compatible with your frontend framework of choice. ## 📦 Installation / Usage Directly via [unpkg](https://unpkg.com/): ```html 7.css example
My First Program

Hello, world!

``` Via [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/7.css): ```sh npm install 7.css ``` Then import it as below: ```javascript import "7.css/dist/7.css"; ``` ## 📚 Documentation / Demo Refer to the [documentation page](https://khang-nd.github.io/7.css/) for specific instructions on this framework's components. ## 🛠 Developing Clone the repo and run `npm install`. The core styles are managed in [`gui`](https://github.com/khang-nd/7.css/tree/main/gui). You can use `npm start` to start a development environment that will watch for file changes and rebuild the files, reloading your browser in the process. You can run a build manually with `npm run build`. This will write to the `dist/` directory. ## 📝 Issues, Contributing, etc. You are so welcome to report issues, help out with contributions or whatever you could think of to improve this lovely UI framework. ## 📜 Changelog Refer to [Releases](https://github.com/khang-nd/7.css/releases).