You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

233 lines
7.0 KiB

12 months ago
import { CompileOptions, ResolvedOptions } from './options';
import { compile, preprocess, walk } from 'svelte/compiler';
// @ts-ignore
import { createMakeHot } from 'svelte-hmr';
import { SvelteRequest } from './id';
import { safeBase64Hash } from './hash';
import { log } from './log';
import { StatCollection } from './vite-plugin-svelte-stats';
//eslint-disable-next-line node/no-missing-import
import type { Processed } from 'svelte/types/compiler/preprocess';
import { createInjectScopeEverythingRulePreprocessorGroup } from './preprocess';
import { mapToRelative } from './sourcemaps';
const scriptLangRE = /<script [^>]*lang=["']?([^"' >]+)["']?[^>]*>/;
export type CompileSvelte = ReturnType<typeof _createCompileSvelte>;
const _createCompileSvelte = (makeHot: Function) => {
let stats: StatCollection | undefined;
const devStylePreprocessor = createInjectScopeEverythingRulePreprocessorGroup();
return async function compileSvelte(
svelteRequest: SvelteRequest,
code: string,
options: Partial<ResolvedOptions>
): Promise<CompileData> {
const { filename, normalizedFilename, cssId, ssr, raw } = svelteRequest;
const { emitCss = true } = options;
const dependencies = [];
if (options.stats) {
if (options.isBuild) {
if (!stats) {
// build is either completely ssr or csr, create stats collector on first compile
// it is then finished in the buildEnd hook.
stats = options.stats.startCollection(`${ssr ? 'ssr' : 'dom'} compile`, {
logInProgress: () => false
} else {
// dev time ssr, it's a ssr request and there are no stats, assume new page load and start collecting
if (ssr && !stats) {
stats = options.stats.startCollection('ssr compile');
// stats are being collected but this isn't an ssr request, assume page loaded and stop collecting
if (!ssr && stats) {
stats = undefined;
// TODO find a way to trace dom compile during dev
// problem: we need to call finish at some point but have no way to tell if page load finished
// also they for hmr updates too
const compileOptions: CompileOptions = {
filename: normalizedFilename, // use normalized here to avoid bleeding absolute fs path
generate: ssr ? 'ssr' : 'dom',
format: 'esm'
if ( && options.emitCss) {
const hash = `s-${safeBase64Hash(normalizedFilename)}`;
log.debug(`setting cssHash ${hash} for ${normalizedFilename}`);
compileOptions.cssHash = () => hash;
if (ssr && compileOptions.enableSourcemap !== false) {
if (typeof compileOptions.enableSourcemap === 'object') {
compileOptions.enableSourcemap.css = false;
} else {
compileOptions.enableSourcemap = { js: true, css: false };
let preprocessed;
let preprocessors = options.preprocess;
if (!options.isBuild && options.emitCss && {
// inject preprocessor that ensures css hmr works better
if (!Array.isArray(preprocessors)) {
preprocessors = preprocessors
? [preprocessors, devStylePreprocessor]
: [devStylePreprocessor];
} else {
preprocessors = preprocessors.concat(devStylePreprocessor);
if (preprocessors) {
try {
preprocessed = await preprocess(code, preprocessors, { filename }); // full filename here so postcss works
} catch (e) {
e.message = `Error while preprocessing ${filename}${e.message ? ` - ${e.message}` : ''}`;
throw e;
if (preprocessed.dependencies) dependencies.push(...preprocessed.dependencies);
if ( compileOptions.sourcemap =;
if (typeof preprocessed?.map === 'object') {
mapToRelative(preprocessed?.map, filename);
if (raw && svelteRequest.query.type === 'preprocessed') {
// shortcut
return { preprocessed: preprocessed ?? { code } } as CompileData;
const finalCode = preprocessed ? preprocessed.code : code;
const dynamicCompileOptions = await options.experimental?.dynamicCompileOptions?.({
code: finalCode,
if (dynamicCompileOptions && log.debug.enabled) {
`dynamic compile options for ${filename}: ${JSON.stringify(dynamicCompileOptions)}`
const finalCompileOptions = dynamicCompileOptions
? {
: compileOptions;
const endStat = stats?.start(filename);
const compiled = compile(finalCode, finalCompileOptions);
// prevent dangling pure comments
// see
// uses regex replace with whitespace to keep sourcemap/character count unmodified
compiled.js.code = compiled.js.code.replace(
/\/\* [@#]__PURE__ \*\/(\s*)$/gm,
' $1'
if (endStat) {
mapToRelative(compiled.js?.map, filename);
mapToRelative(compiled.css?.map, filename);
if (!raw) {
// wire css import and code for hmr
const hasCss = compiled.css?.code?.trim().length > 0;
// compiler might not emit css with mode none or it may be empty
if (emitCss && hasCss) {
// TODO properly update sourcemap?
compiled.js.code += `\nimport ${JSON.stringify(cssId)};\n`;
// only apply hmr when not in ssr context and hot options are set
if (!ssr && makeHot) {
compiled.js.code = makeHot({
id: filename,
compiledCode: compiled.js.code,
//@ts-expect-error hot isn't a boolean at this point
hotOptions: {, injectCss: === true && hasCss },
originalCode: code,
compileOptions: finalCompileOptions
compiled.js.dependencies = dependencies;
return {
lang: code.match(scriptLangRE)?.[1] || 'js',
// @ts-ignore
preprocessed: preprocessed ?? { code }
function buildMakeHot(options: ResolvedOptions) {
const needsMakeHot = !== false && options.isServe && !options.isProduction;
if (needsMakeHot) {
// @ts-ignore
const hotApi = options?.hot?.hotApi;
// @ts-ignore
const adapter = options?.hot?.adapter;
return createMakeHot({
hotOptions: { noOverlay: true, ...( as object) }
export function createCompileSvelte(options: ResolvedOptions) {
const makeHot = buildMakeHot(options);
return _createCompileSvelte(makeHot);
export interface Code {
code: string;
map?: any;
dependencies?: any[];
export interface Compiled {
js: Code;
css: Code;
ast: any; // TODO type
warnings: any[]; // TODO type
vars: {
name: string;
export_name: string;
injected: boolean;
module: boolean;
mutated: boolean;
reassigned: boolean;
referenced: boolean;
writable: boolean;
referenced_from_script: boolean;
stats: {
timings: {
total: number;
export interface CompileData {
filename: string;
normalizedFilename: string;
lang: string;
compiled: Compiled;
ssr: boolean | undefined;
dependencies: string[];
preprocessed: Processed;